What are the steps of the booking process?

Upon submitting your booking form, we will create an account for you. You will receive all the details by email. The account will give you access to the DiscoverEU Travel app, where you can check train routes and times to plan your trip, access your DiscoverEU European Youth card to benefit from thousands of discounts all over Europe, and join the DiscoverEU Community to share your experiences with your fellow travellers. If you opt for a flexible ticket, your Interrail mobile Pass will be available in the app.

Step 1

Choose your travel option

Choose which travel option fits you best: the flexible DiscoverEU Interrail Pass, or fixed point-to-point travel tickets.

Step 2

Access your booking form

Continue by accessing your personal booking link (sent to you via [email protected])

Step 3

Verify your identity

As part of the booking form, you will be asked to verify your identity.

Step 4

Submit your booking form

Once ready, complete and submit the booking form

How do I start the booking process?

You (will) receive(d) an email invitation with your personal booking form link.

In order to complete the travel booking, you’ll need to plan a few things. The most important is to have an identity card or passport ready, and know which travel option you want.

Below you’ll find a brief overview of the main differences between the flexible and fixed travel option.

  • In most cases, the flexible travel, an Interrail Mobile Pass is the most beneficial. It’s an Interrail Mobile Pass which allows you to travel to multiple destinations on up to 7 days within a 1-month period. The fixed travel, point-to-point travel is a lot more limited in flexibility and number of available destinations due to budget limitations. You should keep in mind that destinations far away from your point of departure are most likely not within budget.
  • Therefore, point-to-point travel is ideal for trips to a nearby destination (such as a neighbouring country).

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What are the main differences between flexible and fixed travel?

😎 Flexible travel option

DiscoverEU Interrail Pass

Be wherever you want to be, full flexibility.

Travel without pre-set dates and destinations

Travel without pre-set dates and destinations

Confirm your Interrail mobile Pass, and complete your research later on. You will be able to use your mobile Pass in the DiscoverEU Travel app. You can activate your Pass up until the day you start travelling. During your travel, plan as you go along, change directions and let the journey take its own course.

Travel on trains on 7 days within a period of one month

Travel on trains on 7 days within a period of one month

You can use the Pass on 7 days of your choice during a set period of 1 month. You can start your 1-month period anytime up to 31 May 2023. Travel on back-to-back, consecutive days, or spread them out during the month. You can arrange everything directly from the DiscoverEU Travel app.

Travel alone or in a group

Travel alone or in a group

It’s up to you to choose whether you travel alone, or in a group. You can choose who you travel with when applying to DiscoverEU, and change this mid-way your trip. If you travel in a group, each of the group members will have their own pass.

Travel in Country of Residence

Travel in Country of Residence

Your Pass may only be used for two specific trips in your country of residence (referred to as the outbound and inbound journey). You can travel from any location in the country of residence to the border or an airport or port, you may travel with more than one train, provided the trips are on the same travel day.

Travel at your own pace

Travel at your own pace

With the mobile Pass you can linger longer in a city, or leave earlier from a destination than you planned. Experiencing a hick-up in your travels, such as a delayed or cancelled train? You can take the next train, or change your route.

Important to Know

Important to Know

Before boarding a train, bus, or boat, each journey must be recorded on the DiscoverEU Travel app under the My Trip section and added to your mobile Interrail Pass. Some long-distance trains require you to book additional seat reservations.

📍 Fixed travel option

Point-to-Point Tickets

Fixed and set option, your itinerary can't be modified.

Travel according to pre-set destinations

Travel according to pre-set destinations

Research and plan your trip before confirming your travel tickets. Your travel itinerary will be booked with point-to-point tickets, and will not be able to be modified.

Travel according to a fixed planning

Travel according to a fixed planning

You know when you want to travel. You have your dates ready,
have a fixed itinerary and are prepared to commit to a specific date
and train.

Travel in group

Travel in group

Only those who have been awarded as a group will be able to travel in group. In order for you to travel in a group, all individuals in the group must make sure to complete the travel booking form.

Travel in Country of Residence

Travel in Country of Residence

Your outbound and inbound journey will be booked as point-to-point tickets. You can travel with more than one train, providing that your first destination is abroad.

Travel modifications

Travel modifications

Tickets will be booked at specific-train-only, on no-changes-to-travel-plans basis. No supplements for modifications, new reservations or other costs encountered during the journey will be covered by the European Commission.

Important to Know

Important to Know

Point-to-point travel itineraries will be restricted to trains who allow online booking of tickets. In case of cancellations or delays, the traveler should contact the transportation company directly. Find out more about the EU Passenger Rights here.

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